Society Awards

Each year the Society gives out a variety of awards to members, students, authors, and chapters. On this page is a list of the highest and most prestigious awards given by ASEM.

Fellow Award

ASEM Fellow


Highest level of membership in ASEM.


Candidates must have eight years of continuous membership in ASEM with significant service and EM accomplishments, and continuing distinguished service and contribution to the society.

Nomination Process

This award process is conducted by the most recent class of fellows. This group gets a list of eligible candidates from ASEM HQ. No more than five may be elected in any year. The list is forwarded to other active fellows. Nominations are solicited along with documented credentials through the ASEM Online Nomination Form.


The nominees are sent out to the fellows for a vote. The nominees who have the support of the majority of the fellows group are the new inductees.

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Bernard R. Sarchet Award
Award Bernard R. Sarchet Award

This is considered the highest award given by the society. This award is given in recognition of contributions to the Society and to the field of Engineering Management.


This award is for the ASEM member who has contributed the most to ASEM both on a local, national and international basis. Nominations can be submitted based on positive contributions in the following areas:

  • Publication of technical papers,
  • Service as a local, national or international officer or on local, national or international committees,
  • Managing seminars, workshops, symposia, webinars or training sessions,
  • National and International promotion of the society,
  • Participation in the international annual conference, and
  • Contributions to the EM Bok or EM Handbook.

Members not directly involved with a Local Section but who have made significant contributions to the Society and the field of Engineering Management should also be considered for this award.

Nomination Process

Submit nominations by June 29 via the ASEM Online Nomination Form.


The Executive Committee selects the award recipient upon recommendation of the President-Elect.

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Frank Woodbury Special Service Award
Award Frank Woodbury Special Service Award

This award recognizes an individual who has provided outstanding service to ASEM.

Eligibility/Criteria Must be an active ASEM member with continued significant service to ASEM.

This award is for the ASEM member who has demonstrated proof of continued service excellence to ASEM. Nominations can be submitted based on positive contributions in the following areas:

  • Support of EMJ through multiple additions to editorial content (articles, editing, reviewing, etc.),
  • Repeated service as a Track Chair or Conference Chair for IAC,
  • Outstanding service on a local, national or international committee,
  • Exemplary contribution to the development of the EM Bok or EM Handbook,
  • Repeated delivery or development of the ASEM training, and
  • Continued promotion of the Society.
Nomination Process

Submit nominations by June 29 via the ASEM Online Nomination Form.


The Executive Committee selects the recipient and makes the recommendation to the ASEM Board of Directors.

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Meritorius Service Award
Award Meritorius Service Award

This award was created to recognize the effort of the local sections.


Four awards exist and include:

  1. New Member Recruiting – Any member responsible for recruiting five or more new members in a given calendar year, will be awarded a MSA.
  2. Outstanding Non-Board Member – Any member who is nominated by a regional or at-large director, and approved by the board of directors, who has contributed outstanding accomplishments to the operation, improvement, and/or recognition of the society in the pursuits of the society’s vision, mission, and goals.
  3. Outstanding Local Section President – Any local section president, who is nominated by a regional or at-large director, and approved by the board of directors, who in the course of executing the duties of a local section president, makes outstanding accomplishments to the operation, improvement, and/or recognition of the society in the pursuits of the society’s vision, mission, and goals.
  4. Outstanding Student Chapter President – Any student section president, who is nominated by a regional or at-large director, and approved by the board of directors, who in the course of executing the duties of a student section president, makes outstanding accomplishments to the operation, improvement, and/or recognition of the society in the pursuits of the society’s vision, mission, and goals.
Nomination Process

Submit nominations by June 29 via the ASEM Online Nomination Form.


Executive Committee

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Founder's Award – Undergraduate
Award Founder's Award – Undergraduate

To recognize undergraduate program leadership.


  1. ABET accreditation as an EM program.
  2. A functioning ASEM Student Chapter.
  3. Faculty involvement in ASEM and other professional societies.
  4. Contributions to engineering management education and practice.
  5. Recommendations of stakeholders outside of the university, including employers and graduates.
  6. Other significant achievements.

Nomination Process

Nominations must be submitted to ASEM headquarters by September 1. Nomination packets must be submitted by eligible schools. There is no desire to make this process onerous. Most of the information requested is believed to be readily available. The nomination packet should not exceed two pages plus an appendix of paper citations and three letters of recommendation. The nomination should include:

  1. A statement of ABET accreditation (when, through, commission, program title, degree awarded).
  2. The number of degrees awarded per year for the past three academic years.
  3. A copy of the student chapter’s annual report to ASEM.
  4. The number of student’s (ASEM student members) in the student chapter for each of the past three years.
  5. Faculty involvement with ASEM for the past three years (number of faculty members, number of ASEM members on faculty, offices held during the report period, and attendance/presentations at ASEM’s International Annual Conference).
  6. Faculty involvement with other societies which advance engineering management education and engineering management practice over the past three years (number of members in each of these societies, offices held during the report period, and attendance/presentations at their annual conferences).
  7. Contributions to engineering management education (number of conference papers, number of journal articles, initiatives to advance engineering management education – to include funded projects).
  8. Contributions to engineering management practice (number of conference papers, number of journal articles).
  9. Three letters of recommendation from stakeholders outside academe.
  10. Other significant achievements of the program.


Past President

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Founder's Award – Graduate
Award Founder's Award – Graduate

To recognize graduate program leadership.

  1. An engineering management graduate program which offers a graduate degree in engineering management which meets (a) ABET accreditation standards as an engineering management graduate program or (b) ASEM certification standards as an engineering management graduate program.
  2. Faculty involvement with ASEM and the other professional societies.
  3. Contributions to engineering management education and practice.
  4. Recommendations by stakeholders outside academe to include employers of the programs students and graduates.
  5. Other significant achievements of the program.
  6. Other desirable attributes are:

    • Active involvement in a local section, student or professional, of ASEM.
    • Active involvement with ASEM’s International Annual Conference.
    • Active involvement in ASEM’s governance.
Nomination Process

Nominations must be submitted to ASEM headquarters by September 1. This award will be based on a nomination packet submitted by eligible schools. There is no desire to make this process onerous. Most of the information requested is believed to be readily available. The nomination packet should not exceed three pages plus an appendix of paper citations and three letters of recommendation. The nomination should include:

  1. A one-page (or less) statement of the programs eligibility - accreditation (when, through, commission, program title, degree awarded), certification, or recognition in the engineering management community.
  2. The number of each degree type (MSEM, MEM, PhD, DE, etc) awarded per year for the past three academic years.
  3. Faculty involvement with ASEM for the past three years (number of faculty members, number of ASEM members on faculty, offices held during the report period, and attendance/presentations at ASEM’s International Annual Conference).
  4. Faculty involvement with other societies which advance engineering management education and engineering management practice over the past three years (number of members in each of these societies, offices held during the report period, and attendance/presentations at their annual conferences).
  5. Contributions to engineering management education (number of conference papers, number of journal articles, initiatives to advance engineering management education – to include funded projects).
  6. Contributions to engineering management practice and research (number of conference papers, number of journal articles, initiatives to further engineering management practice and research – to include funded projects).
  7. Three letters of recommendation from stakeholders outside academe.
  8. Other significant achievements of the program which could include:

    • A copy of the student chapter’s annual report to ASEM.
    • The number of student’s (ASEM student members) in the student chapter for each of the past three years.
    • Involvement of faculty and students in local professional section of ASEM.


Past President

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Founder's Award – Student Section
Award Founder's Award – Student Section

To recognize active Student Chapters.


There are nine criteria which will be used to judge the applications for the Founder’s Award – Student Section. Each criterion will be rated on a score from 1 to 10 with 10 being highest. The number shown in parenthesis provides the weighting of this criterion.

  1. Nomination Packet Preparation (5%) – It is the intent that the students (with the help of their faculty advisor will prepare the nomination packet. Packets prepared solely by the faculty advisor will not receive full points in this criterion.
  2. Quality of Submission (25%) – Nomination packets should be prepared such that they are complete, comprehensive, easy to read and interpret, interesting, and visually aesthetic. It is a good idea to include photos documenting student chapter activities. Do not make the judges dig for this information within your report, but make sure that it is clearly marked.
  3. Active Student Participation (25%) – Provide documentation to describe active student participation in the chapter to include things such as the number of student members, attendance at meetings, training sessions and field trips, etc. Also describe the student chapter leadership and list chapter officers.
  4. ASEM International Annual Conference Participation (10%) – Identify the number of students attending the annual conference or other regional conferences. List things like the number of papers presented, participation in student competitions and nominations for the best Ph.D. dissertation award.
  5. Engineering Management Projects (10%) – Describe any engineering management projects completed as part of the student chapter. For example this could be participation in a student simulation or facility layout competition.
  6. Community Projects (5%) – Describe any community projects completed as part of the student chapter that supports the community such as providing an engineering management solution to assist a women’s shelter or to assist with developing a bus schedule for a school district.
  7. Faculty Involvement (5%) – Describe the number and extent of involvement of the student chapter faculty advisor as well as other faculty within the department to ASEM.
  8. Support for the Engineering Management Profession (5%) – Document how the student chapter supports the engineering management profession such as assistance with recruiting students into the engineering management program of study.
  9. EM Practice (10%) - Contributions to engineering management practice (number of conference papers, number of journal articles).
Nomination Process

The officers and/or faculty advisors may nominate their active student chapter. Nominations must be submitted to the Past President by May 15.


Past President

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Presidential Award – Local Section
Award Presidential Award – Local Section

A plaque shall be awarded to the best all around local chapter based on total membership, participation in activities, and contributions to the discipline of engineering management.


  1. Section membership and attendance.
  2. Attendance at the ASEM International Annual Conference, weighted by distance traveled:
    • N x 1 if less than 300 miles
    • N x 2 if greater than 300 miles
    • N x 3 if greater than 2000 miles
    • N = number attending
  3. Submission of a technical paper at the International Annual Conference. - 5 points
  4. Publication of a technical paper or managing a seminar or workshop. – 10 points

Nomination Process

Submit nominations by June 29 via the ASEM Online Nomination Form.

Judging President-Elect
Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Eschenbach Award for the Best EMJ Paper
Award Eschenbach Award for the Best EMJ Paper

To select the best journal article occurring in the current year’s EMJ.

  • The paper includes significant extensions of EM concepts.
  • The primary premise includes an effective integration of analytical and management/people concerns.
  • The design of the study and collection of data meet reasonable standards.
  • Conclusions have broad applications to a range of organizations.
Nomination Process

All journal articles contained in issues of the previous year’s EMJ.


The President Elect appoints a three person committee composed of ASEM members to review all issues of the previous year’s EMJ.

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Merritt Williamson Award – Best International Annual Conference Paper
Award Merritt Williamson Award – Best International Annual Conference Paper

Best conference paper.


The importance of the subject to EM and the applicability of the findings to a broad population will be used in assessing the presented papers. Students must attend the IAC and present their paper to be considered for this award.

Nomination Process

The President-Elect will work with the International Annual Conference General Chair to appoint a committee to review conference presentations. All International Annual Conference papers are considered.

Judging EMJ Editors
Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Merl Baker Award – Best International Annual Conference Student Paper
Award Merl Baker Award – Best International Annual Conference Student Paper

Best student paper at the conference.


The quality of the presentation, the importance of the subject to EM and the applicability of the findings to a broad population will be used in assessing the presented papers.

Nomination Process

All student papers submitted to the International Annual Conference are considered.

Judging The President-Elect appoints a three person committee composed of ASEM members to review all student papers.
Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Best Dissertation Award
Award Best Dissertation Award

Select the best Ph.D. dissertation published within the engineering management domain.


  • The paper includes significant extensions of EM concepts.
  • The literature review is comprehensive and appropriate for the research.
  • The primary premise includes an effective integration of analytical and management/people concerns.
  • The design of the study and collection of data meet reasonable standards.
  • Conclusions have broad applications to a range of organizations.

Nomination Process

  • Faculty member nominates his/her student.
  • Nominations must be submitted to the ASEM Dissertation Award Committee Chair by March 1st.
  • The President-Elect appoints a three person panel of ASEM members to review nominated papers.


The panel recommends the award to the Board of Directors.

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Engineering Manager of the Year Award
Award Engineering Manager of the Year Award

This award goes to a person that has made significant contributions to the advancement of Engineering Management.


The ideal engineering manager of the year would be a person that:

  • Has an engineering degree and/or an engineering management/technology management degree.
  • Has been a manager at a senior level in a relatively large and successful organization/corporation.
  • Has a track of social responsibility.
  • Has outstanding character and ethical values.
  • Has international work experience.
  • Has been recognized for her/his contributions to his/her profession, local community, or society.
Nomination Process
  • An open nomination process is started during the International Annual Conference and closes by February 1. An online survey is sent out to the IAC technical and logistics committee and ASEM Board of Directors.
  • Nominees will be judged and decided upon by the ASEM Board of Directors during their spring meeting.
  • Board approves the award and an invitation to accept the award in person is sent by the President.
  • The recipient must attend the International Annual Conference.

Board approves the award.

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Student Case Study Competition
Award Student Case Study Competition

Undergraduate engineering management student teams compete for the best case analysis presented at the conference. The teams are provided an engineering management based case related to the conference theme. They are given a minimum of four hours to analyze the case and 20 minutes to present their recommendations to a panel of judges.


Undergraduate students must be currently enrolled in an engineering management major or equivalent program of study leading to a bachelor of science in engineering. All team members are required to attend the conference as paid student attendees and must be available for the entire competition during the conference. Teams can have no more than five members. Schools may nominate more than one team.

Nomination Process

Full time faculty from the team’s program must nominate team members. Nominations are submitted to the competition chair.


The conference general chair appoints a competition chair who selects a panel of judges of not less than five members, preferable with industry representation. Judges cannot be currently employed by any school represented in the competition. The judges panel selects the best presentation of the case analysis.

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

Past Presidents of the Society Award
Award Past Presidents of the Society Award

This award is given to those individuals who have served as President of the Society. At the International Annual Conference, during the “passing of the gavel” a plaque is awarded to the outgoing president.

Past Recipients

List of past recipients.

ASEM World Headquarters Service Commendation Award
Award ASEM World Headquarters Service Commendation Award

This award recognizes significant contributions to the streamlining, enhancement, or improvement of the day-to-day operations of ASEM.


Must be an active member of ASEM as outlined below.

This award recognizes the ASEM member for a contribution of time, effort, or implemented idea that significantly enhanced or improved the day-to-day operation of ASEM including but not limited to:

  • the ASEM website and other associated websites,
  • HQ processes and procedures, and
  • WHQ office arrangements and accommodations.

Nomination Process

The Executive Director receives nominations. Submit nominations by July 1 via the ASEM Online Nomination Form.


All nominations received will be reviewed and selected by an Awards Committee, composed of the Executive Director, the Associate Executive Director, and the President.

Plaque Wording

Recipients of the award will receive a plaque indicating their contribution at the International Annual Conference and their names placed in the historical record of award recipients.